Saturday 7 February 2015

CUE THE HORROR THEME MUSIC - Radioactive Thieves

Real Life can be much more interesting than fiction.  Some real life events sound like the first 10 minutes of horror films..

3rd December 2013.

A truck containing Cobalt-60 (used to treat cancer) a potentially lethal radioactive element was stolen.

Cue the Horror Theme Music...

Yeah, stolen radioactive material could be the set up for a action-thriller or superhero film.

But this is Cue the Horror Theme Music not Cue the Action Film Theme Music so who cares about the action film potential.

No, I'm talking the potential for a horror movie:

  • Radioactive material seeping into the environment causing aggressive unkillable plants and animals that glow and have extra rows of teeth.

  • Radioactive material seeping into the environment causing giant 50 foot versions of animals.

  • Radioactive material seeping into the environment waking hungry prehistoric creatures preserved under the ground for billions of years...

  • Radioactive material turning the thieves and anyone they touch into mindless mutant zombies.

Officially, none of that happened as the material was recovered with the canister unopened and the six suspects safe.  Officially.

Cue the Horror Theme Music...

~ DUG.

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